

Airbus H125 (AS350)

HELITRANS’ main base, training and technical department is located at Trondheim Airport Værnes Airport.

From Værnes, all HELITRANS’ missions are coordinated, such as flights of cargo, personnel, sightseeing, taxis, etc. Coordination takes place at HELITRANS’s Operation Control Center (OCC).

At Værnes you can find the helicopter types:
Airbus H125 (AS350) and Bell 205.


Michelets vei 77, 7502 Stjørdal

Contact Information (OCC):

Coverage area:

Trondheim Airport Værnes is centrally located in central Norway and from here we can offer helicopter services to the entire region.

That is, in addition to Trondheim, southwards also Agdenes, Bjugn, Frøya, Hemne, Hitra, Holtålen, Klæbu, Malvik, Meldal, Melhus, Midtre Gauldal, Oppdal, Orkdal, Rennebu, Rissa, Røros, Selbu, Skaun, Snillfjord, Tydal, Ørland, Åfjord.

And in addition to Stjørdal and Meråker, not only Innherred; Levanger and Verdal, Inderøy, Verran, Frosta, Steinkjer, Snåsa and Skatval, but also Namdalen; Flatanger, Namsos, Nærøysund, Leka, Overhalla, Høylandet, Grong, Namsskogan, Røyrvik and Lierne including Rørvik and Kolvereid.